21 definitions by Joe Smith

One of America's best allies. There is no reason for Americans to bash Canada or Canadians to bash America. God bless Canada and God bless America. May the two wonderful nations live together in harmony.
America: I love you, Canada!!
Canada: I love you too, America!!
by Joe Smith December 5, 2003
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the haircut given to all asian males...instantly obtained after sleeping on the right side of ur face and constantly going to school without brushing it at all
Greg: Hey Jesse! Do you want to do something today?
Jesse: Nah I can't . ..I'm going to get the Wayne Cut tonite
by Joe Smith March 29, 2005
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a crazy growth in the groinal area first seen by colonal jaspal in the korean war
i have this crazy hodge growing on my balls
by Joe Smith February 11, 2004
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An Indian (from India).

From the way they bob their heads from side to side when they mean to say yes.

(The Indian head bob is similiar to the american nod, except from side to side instead of up and down)
Why does that "Head Bobber" keep telling me yes, he understands when he has no clue what I am saying?
by Joe Smith September 24, 2004
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A person of high rank who did not go to college.

From sailing days when officers who use to be deck hands were asked how they got there job they replied "I climbed up the hawsepipe" (hawsepipe: the pipe that an anchor rope passes through)
"How'd you get to be captain?"
"I'm a hawsepiper you P.O.S. college boy"
by Joe Smith September 17, 2004
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n. v. Someone who, often clandestinely will use microphone(s) on clothing, rigs etc. to record and disseminate live concerts, attractions
"Hey, my taper friends got the latest Harper show, do you want the shin?"
by Joe Smith March 9, 2003
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