108 definitions by Jared

recieves Summer's Eve To Get rid of vaginal stinkyness
Rachel used the summer's eve that was placed on her car to get rid of that unsightly stench
by Jared February 6, 2003
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Implies blushing due to embarassment or other such occurances.
Statement: You're so cute.
Reply: ^#^
by Jared July 20, 2004
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1. A very violent fight that has to do with land,world power,ect.
2. When men and women take the lives of other men and women for there lands.
3. State of using violence against another, a contest between states.
4. State of oposition or contest, hostility;contention; as, a war of words.
by Jared August 10, 2003
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Da fuckin man. Better than 'the man'
Yo he crushed 10 bitches, he's da fuckin manzo!
by Jared April 26, 2005
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Portugue In Managing Putinhas
yo that guee is a pimp... oh wait... hes spanish... fag
by Jared September 19, 2003
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One who burglarizes cum from a person or mainly a sperm bank
Derek is a cum burgler from Mexico
by Jared April 14, 2005
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