108 definitions by Jared

A particularily sticky, viscous turd that, when falling out of your cornhole, also brought some hairs with it. These hairs appear as though they are whiskers on the turd, making your shit appear to be a lazy, brown cat.
Holy shit! I just took a sick dump, defintely an LBC
by Jared March 21, 2005
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Hot as all hell, slang used in suberbia by white kids wanting to be ghetto
damn that girl is haah
by Jared June 18, 2006
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1. A person who is abusively loud, particularly in inappropriate situations.
2. Same as (1), also morbidly grotesque features -- re: very very ugly, and inappropriately loud.
I don't know what it was, perhaps a Klacktype or ChewyChomp, all I know is I pissed my pants and I'm not ashamed.
by Jared August 4, 2004
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A decently average game that is grossly overrated and has 9 pages of definitions by grade school fucktards. Any game that can generate this level of stupidity should be banned.
Go play Half-Life 2 instead. It's much better.
by Jared March 11, 2005
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The seckziest beast of all time, named for extreme love of the band Kittie.
Kittie is just so damn cool.
by Jared February 15, 2005
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Location in michigan
Ghetto, slum town
8 mile, Eminem's old street
I live in D-troit dogg!
by Jared May 2, 2004
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Actually the low house advantage comes from knowing the precise mathematical combinations of the cards. If you don't know them, you might as well be wasting your money.
Blackjack is not as easy as AYB is trying to say it is.
by Jared November 2, 2003
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