51 definitions by Jakestar

A short lived P2P program. Came after Napster and before KaZaA.
iMesh was decent for videos, lousy for everything else.
by Jakestar April 4, 2005
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Popular networkiing website, popular with scene kids. Allows teenagers with bad haircuts to take low quality pictures of themselves pouting, and comment on all their friends pouting.
"Why would I want Myspace? I already have facebook."
by Jakestar April 4, 2005
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Apple's latest incarnation of its hugely sucessful iPod. The iPod Nano allows users to insert 1,000 songs up their ass.
Now my dream of fitting a hundred albums into my rectum can finally come true, thanks to the iPod Nano. Thanks, Apple!
by Jakestar October 5, 2005
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The least preferred, but most often utilized, mode of transportation for city dwellers, kids without their lisences, college freshmen, and other carless people.
"Shit, how we gonna get to the packie?"

"Looks like we gotta take the ol' Heel-Toe Express"
by Jakestar November 3, 2005
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Federal law requires every female student between the ages of 18 and 21 to own at least two (2) Guster albums, and include one (1) Guster quote in their facebook profile.
by Jakestar April 5, 2005
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Let's see what is on Youtube today...Two 15 year olds lip-syncing "Barbie Girl," some dude getting kicked in the nuts, a cute puppy, two 15 year olds lip-syncing "Hey Ya"...
by Jakestar November 24, 2006
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A discarded condom floating in a river or lake. Often referred to by the body of water in which they are found, i.e. Lake Michigan Whitefish.
The MIT crew team rowed past a school of Charles River Whitefish.
by Jakestar April 19, 2005
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