38 definitions by Ivan

'You got soem buddah to smoke?'
by Ivan December 26, 2002
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She's got a great personality, but that's a bad dial.
by Ivan January 24, 2004
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Exactly the same as Chav, Ned, Townie, Kev, Charver, Steek, Spide, Bazza, Yarco, Ratboy, Kappa Slapper, Skanger, Janner, Stig, Scallie and Scrut. Please use www.chavscum.co.uk for further reference.
Man this place is full of scrubbers! Lets shift.
by Ivan February 5, 2004
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Describes porn content, one of many abbreviations.
An mf hardcore porn.
by Ivan March 1, 2005
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when skin slips of a corpse. just slides right off. just think, it's going on right now, down the street. slippage
a body is lying there and all of a sudden some of the shoulder just slides off. slippage!
by Ivan August 2, 2004
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Getting slapped, hit, smacked, or just plain old fucked hard with a dildo.
*Ivan Slaps Rabid_Rabbit with a dildo

Ivan I just dildowned you Rabid_Rabbit!
by Ivan August 27, 2004
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