34 definitions by ImthatAwesome

What you say before you fuck something up.
Bill: Yo, Ted that combo is lookin' tight and long
Ted: It's my BnB, I never fuck it up.
*Drops combo*
Ted: Shit....
by ImthatAwesome September 21, 2012
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Collecting musical instruments for the sake of owning them with no intention of learning them. Those who do it are known as Instrument Hoarders or a Pretentious Douche Bag
Girl: So my boyfriend just bought a mandolin. He's so artistic and deep.
Guy: Orly? Does he know how to play?
Girl: No...
Guy: Your boyfriend is a pretentious instrument hoarding douche.
by ImthatAwesome September 28, 2010
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'You fuck Jimmy yet?"
"Fuck yeah! Give me so Nittany Pride!"
by ImthatAwesome November 18, 2011
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When someone or something's artistic value goes beyond a person's perception; leaving that person lost and confused.

On the flipside, this may be used to sound like a total douchetard because you think you're better than everyone else. often used by hipsters
Guy1: How can anyone like "Boys Don't Cry"
Girl: It's a great movie that challenges society's views on gender!
Guy1: What are you talking about?
Guy2: nvm it's 2deep4u
by ImthatAwesome September 28, 2010
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When a person post anything three times or more due failure to realize it went through the last time. Most prevalent on facebook.
Status: Listening to King Crimson
John's Comment: Triple-Post Fail
by ImthatAwesome October 16, 2010
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A sad excuse to force all of your family members all under one roof. None of these poor miserable bastard like seeing each other but they do it to, "Make mom happy." The grim reality of the holidays is that about two to three times a year, family members go through this sad pathetic song and dance only to go home and talk shit about each other behind their backs. Don't ever think your family is not like that, because they are. If no one ever talks shit about a fellow family member to you, it's because they're all talking shit about you.
Ted: So Bill, what are you doing for the holidays?
Bill: Telling my Dad to go fuck himself
Ted:....well Happy Holidays to you too....
Bill: you can go fuck yourself too
by ImthatAwesome November 25, 2010
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Someone oblivious to a meme but awkwardly laughs anyway. Meme-obliviousness is normally apparent when a large number of friends are talking face to face (like irl), and one of them starts meme-spouting and everyone laughs except that one person with the confused look. Being meme-oblivious can also cause mass amounts of butthurt, but only a special kind of butthurt that should be avoided by all cost.

This can be seen as an illness. One that affects many urban dictionary editors, thus causing them not to be able to get your jokes, even if they are meme-based. The affliction will cause the the editor's hands to freeze and not to google to see if the definition actually holds water (they rejected 2deep4u, a popular /mu/ meme, countless times). Meanwhile, they're busy fapping away at stupid made-up bullshit.
Joe: Hey, it's Jim and his girl!
Jim: Hey guys, this is Samantha
Sam: just call me Sam
Tom: Do a barrel roll!
*room erupts with laughter*
Sam: oh haha...

In that example Sam is meme-oblivious to do a barrel roll.
by ImthatAwesome December 29, 2011
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