34 definitions by ImthatAwesome

A slang term most prevalent on the 4chan music board, /mu/. The inverse of 2deep4u that can be used two different ways.

1. Admitting that the artistic value of something goes far beyond one's understanding/comprehension, otherwise known as being "2deep4u"

2. Admitting hipster defeat in a sarcastic way
Anon1: Dude, how the fuck did you not like Inception?
Anon2: It's just 2deep4me

Linda: So who is your favorite band?
Betty: Fleet Foxes
Linda: seriously?
Betty: Seriously
Linda: lol you're 2deep4me

This is the third time I'm submitting this post. Another rejection would mean that this post is just 2deep4them.
by ImthatAwesome December 30, 2011
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This is the Golden Unicorn of token friends. Befriending this person make you immune to accusations of discrimination of all kinds.

The best example of this is the elderly black lesbian paraplegic that we shall dub Emma. She's the perfect token because she covers all bases. By befriending Emma you're no longer racist or sexist; nor do you discriminate towards age, ability/mobility, or sexual orientation.
Jack: Yo Willard....I heard you got sued for only hiring white people
Willard: yeah, people are foolish
Jack: Well what did you do?
Willard: I showed them a picture of our greeter, Emma
Jack: who is she?
Willard: Some old crusty wheelchair-bound nigger dyke I hired
Jack: Ah, a Swiss Army Minority
Willard: yeah, and she can cook greens like a motherfucker
by ImthatAwesome November 30, 2010
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This is the Monday after spring break; where every college student collectively groans as they wake up early to make sure they get to class on time instead of sleeping in at home/hotel room/significant other's house/etc. Being hungover from the night (or nights) before may also be a contributing factor.
Bill: *Groans*
Ted: Dude, get up, you're my ride to my 8am
Bill: Fuck that noise
Ted: I know it's Groanday but we have a test today.
Bill: Fuck it, I'm still hungover from Saturday...
by ImthatAwesome March 24, 2014
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A small blunt object, like a bat or a steel pipe, with the sole purpose of boppin niggas on the head.
Husband: Get mah nigga bopper
by ImthatAwesome November 20, 2010
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1. When someone molests facebook account because you were too retarded to log out.

2. When facebook changes your setting against your wishes
Tim: I'm glad you came out of the closest yesterday.... I've been meaning to ask you something..
Rob: What? What do you mean?
Tim: You status says "I'm a cock sucking fudge packer"
Rob: shit, I've been faceraped....
Tim: Oh...
Rob: What were you going to ask me?
Tim: uh...umm... You see that Eagles game yesterday?

Facebook: Enjoy your new facebook profile
Steve: Fuck I've been faceraped! WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE OLD ONE!?
by ImthatAwesome December 16, 2010
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A phrase helping to persuade the other side to aid you or doing, random acts of evil.
Rape her or the terrorists have won
Vote for Bush again or the terrorists have won
Invade Iraq or the terrorists have won
Repeal the Constitution or the terrorists have won
Listen to Glen Beck or the terrorists have won
Blow me or the terrorists have won
Vote for Obama or the terrorists have won
Work for Gitmo or the terrorists have won
Listen to only the news or the terrorists have won
by ImthatAwesome November 16, 2010
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1. Not fucking funny.

2. Something hipsters pretend to be funny.
Bill: Ted! I've fallen in love! ...with the word, "Shan't." My zeal and fondness towards this word is unparallelled. I have been left enamored to the point that I'm completely and utterly smitten by the word. But, alas I cannot use the word without sounding like a pompous ass. So my love appears to be in vein. I can't bear the pain, so I shan't any longer. *pretends to kill himself*

Ted: That whole aside makes you sound like a pompous ass.

Bill: That's the point, it's called a joke.

Ted: How is that funny?

Bill: It's highbrow humor and irony, perhaps it's 2deep4u

Ted: Maybe, you're just an unfunny faggot!
by ImthatAwesome September 23, 2012
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