511 definitions by I Saw U2 Live Twice

tight shorts usually worn for gym class. They have no pockets to store anything and no zipper. They're usually red in color, sometimes blue. They hug your butt cheeks as well.
Johnnie has those red crotch job shorts on again. He's gonna have to pull them down if he needs to take a whizz.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 6, 2009
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a young French all-woman rock'n'roll band that formed a few years ago. They consist of:

Katty Beanard - vocals + guitar

Marine Neuilly - guitar

Louise Basillein - bass

Anais Vandevywere - drums.

Their sound is based on post-punk and New Wave styles, pretty similar to another great all-woman band from the 80's, the Go-Gos. The singing is done in both English and their native French. Their first album was LP1, which featured the hits "Loser", "Pop In, Pop Out" and the Joan Jett -inspired "Shake". Late last year they released "about love" - it's one of the best albums put out last year. Check them out, they're one terrific export from France.
1. The Plastiscines got their name from "plastiscine", a word found in the lyrics of the psychedelic Beatles hit "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds". That word itself refers to a glue or cement which is sold in the U.K. and Europe.

2. The Plastiscines are the vanguard of what may well be a revival of rock'n'roll music. For over a decade there has been chumpy boy bands, gangsta (c)rap, American Idol puke pop, phony country, phony punk, phony r & b, stupid airheads who have zero talent who shake their butts (with dancers behind them), lip-syncing to a disc while people gawk in an empty-headed way, and other bullshit. Now here is an all-female rock group that writes and sings their songs and actually plays their own instruments. Yes they are young, cute and French (ooh la la) but they make and perform SONGS. Music is their #1 priority. How about them apples?

3. There's other fresh new bands too - the Danish boy/girl (ala Eurythmics) duo the Ravionettes, Datarock from Norway, the French band Phoenix and the new guitar goddess from Down Under - Orianthi Panagaris - all who are worth hearing. After so many years of musical hell and the "Worst Decade Ever" (the 00's), rock'n'roll and its culture may finally be coming back to life again. I hope so.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice February 8, 2010
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a slang abbreviation for the word "fool". May have originated with black people but people of nearly all ethnic groups use it now.
1. Mr. T often says "I pity the fool". The last word in that phrase has often been mistrued as "foo".

2. In my sociology class in college our professor was giving a presentation about the presence of violence in human society. He stated that the family is the 3rd most "violent" institution in society (#1 and #2 being the military and police due to what said occupations may require). He mentioned domestic abuse and soon he drifted direction to the women, talking about date abuse. He said "in a relationship no one should be calling all the shots. If you don't want to do something he shouldn't try to force you to. If he ever beats you THEN THE RELATIONSHIP SHOULD BE OVER. If he does it once he'll do it again. He might say that he can change but he won't. People like that want someone to control and use. YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT FROM THE FOO. You deserve better. You need a real man, not some immature foo looking for a punching bag or someone to slap around..."

3. to a certain Bahamian celebrity: are you reading this? We saw that picture and what some foo did to you. Don't be a foo too!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice March 16, 2009
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an intelligent progressive heavy metal band from Seattle. They released their first album in 1983 and has always stood out from other heavy metal bands in the 80s and beyond. They released the concept album "Operation Mindcrime" in 1988, earning the respect of fans and critics alike. Singer/keyboardist Geoff Tate has a stunning voice often described as "operatic". All of their albums range from good to great. Check out "Mindcrime", "Empire", "Tribe" and "The Art of Live".
I saw Queensryche at a club near a university 2 years ago and they are dynamic performers. Queensryche, who are inspired by Pink Floyd and Rush and other bands, are often referred to as the "thinking man's heavy metal band". Check them out live.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 9, 2006
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an intelligent progressive heavy metal band from Seattle. They released their first album in 1983 and has always stood out from other heavy metal bands in the 80s and beyond. They released the concept album "Operation Mindcrime" in 1988, earning the respect of fans and critics alike. Singer/keyboardist Geoff Tate has a stunning voice often described as "operatic". All of their albums range from good to great. Check out "Operation: Mindcrime", "Empire", "Tribe" and "The Art of Live".
I saw Queensryche at a club near a university 2 years ago and they are dynamic performers. Queensryche, who are inspired by Pink Floyd and Rush and other bands, are often referred to as the "thinking man's heavy metal band". Check them out live.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 18, 2006
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an overrated operatic so-called classic by the disbanded British rock group Queen. It originally hit in 1975 - 1976 and again in 1992. It is very pompous and is an example of why punk rock came to being in the mid-1970s.
Bohemian Rhapsody is one of those songs that some record execs declare to be a "classic" and the public follows along with it, like sheep. Queen has done plenty of much better songs than this. Check out their "The Game" album, it's real good rockin' Queen.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 24, 2007
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a nice way to tell someone to go soak your head, go shed some skin, get lost, get bent, and well, you know what I mean.
Scalper: I got U2 tickets at $800 - $900 a pop!

Curt: Go suck an egg!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice January 14, 2008
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