1025 definitions by Hym Iam

A form of sexism that is use to keep men at a form of lower status.
Hym "Yeah, women use small dick as an insult al the time. There is all sorts of female sexists and now it too late. I don't care what happens to you. If you aren't fucking you. Do. Not. Matter. Why!? Because if I'm not fucking I DO NOT MATTER!"
by Hym Iam September 27, 2023
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The thing that suffers and dies arbitrarily at the hands of the Schizophrenic horde. You should be this (so I don't have to... I'd rather be a part of the horde. Or the guy that tells them to do it to you)
Hym "What the fuck? No. Jesus Christ! How about instead of trying to imitate everything you see (like the stupid filth monkeys that you are) you just acknowledge that it was not a good thing to do to a guy and don't do that? But hey, don't listen to me. I'm not a doctor."
by Hym Iam July 23, 2022
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Yeah they aren't going to be in any order. It'll just be as I think of them. I actually thought of these a while ago but whatever...
Guard "Um, ah shit this is gonna suck- Harod? Um... King Harod?"

Harod "What!?"

Guard "Um... Shit... There's a guy running around saying he's the creature dawg."

Harod "Pft! What!?" *snickers*

Guard "Uh... Yeah... It's pretty bad man."

Harod "Wait, what?" 🤨

Guard "Yeah, no he is walkin on water and shit... Making fish-"


Guard "Yeah........"


Guard "Yeah..."


Guard "I donno man..."

Harod "OOOOH SHIT.... He is going to fuck our shit UP MY GUY!"

Guard "Damn..."

Harod "Yeah! This is not a good thing. What's happening right now? We are fucked! Oh man- Where is it!? What is it even doing!? What do I even call it!?"

Guard "He's- Yeah... He's like a guy man. He's Jesus. He's got a name and everything. He's like a guy now... In the world. Just HERE."

Harod 😨

Guard "Yahp..."

Harod "Get it. Get rid of it. Wait! Bring it here... Bring it here I need to see it."

Guard "How... Am I supposed to..."

Harod "Bwah, shit I don't know... Get a bunch of guys. Grab him. Put him in a sack."

Guard *sigh*

Harod "Yeahyeah I know it's... Look. We gotta get it man. Holy shit this is really bad..."

Guard "Yeah... Alright..."
by Hym Iam August 9, 2023
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No corpses don't have more rights than people you idiot. Women can still decide whether or not to donate their organs and corpses can't get abortions. Their rights are identical.
Hym "REGARDLESS of what you call it or whether or not you consider it to be 'alive' you are still 'disposing of your offspring.' It's PRE-BABY ERADICATION. I thought eradicating things was bad."
by Hym Iam June 11, 2023
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Of shit hey Jordan's trial "Canadian Constitution Federation" Youtube channel is covering it now. Go watch it.... And give me one million dollars..... But to watch it first. Go see the thing..... Ok, you don't have to give me one million dollars. But you do have to watch the thing.
Hym "So the Trial of Jordan Benazir Peterson has begun. IT HAS BEGUN!!! And it's an interesting case about 'peripheral abstract harm.' Does his presence on the internet, rather, does Jordan Peterson spreading his ethos do some kind of peripheral abstract harm in the SAME WAY that he believes adopting his ethos has a peripheral abstract positive effect on the broader community and the rest of the world? Does he compromise the integrity of the field of psychology by lambasting public some HE EXPLICITLY BELIEVES IS MENTALLY ILL (Specifically affected by dender) and accusing them of 'corrupting the kids?' Especially in the context of the fact that he DOES often appeal to his profession to lend to the credibility of his propositions. Will they take punitive action? Find out now! Go... Go... Watch the thing.... I told you to watch it... Go look at the thing................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Why are you still here? I told you to go watch the thing.... Get it? It's like a Deadpool... I'm not in a robe.... I'm nude.... Picture it.... You see it? Ok... GAY!!! Why would you do that? Why would you picture a grown ass man naked you freak!? Get out of here pervert!"
by Hym Iam June 23, 2023
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And once again you miss the point and/or are not taking things to their logical conclusion... But fret not! I AM HERE!!!

Hym "For one, it isn't just YOU choosing where you spend YOUR money. It's YOU instructing YOUR FOLLOWERS as to where THEY should spend THEIR money. So, now, instead of being ruled by purple haired trannies from the bottom up, we're being ruled by retarded youtube dwarves from the bottom up. For all you know, you're galvanizing people who would have been (otherwise) ambivalent. And as far as logical conclusions are concerned, the war against transgenderism inevitably ends with imprisonment. You've already spoken about criminalizing the doctors and your justification for involving yourself in how OTHER PEOPLE raise their kids is predicated on the fact that you consider what they are doing abuse. So... The inevitable conclusion must be the doctors going to prison, the parents having their kids taken away or going to prison. Even if you prevent THOSE parents (and not the YOU parents) from preforming the body modification, the parents may still allow the kids to DRESS as the opposite gender. So, if they let them DRESS as the opposite gender are you going to lock the parents up? You don't want it around you kids, so, what happens when THAT trans kid is at school with your kids?
You've legislated what the teachers are allowed to say, so what happens when the kids start talking to the other kids about what they believe to be true? Start punishing the kids? YOUR kids bully THEIR kids until THEIR kids either live in accordance with your will or kill themselves OR murder your children? I mean, if the parents can believe whatever they want and teacher their kids whatever they want and they aren't modifying their kids with hormones and surgery, what recourse do you have when it comes to their kids parroting the things they are taught by their parents? Or are you conflating the entire ideology with abuse? If that's the case then how are you not just dictating how other people raise their kids? What ideologies am I not allowed to teach my kids under punishment of law? Am I not allowed to teach my kids Marxism? It's no less authoritarian in it's implementation than when the woke does it. How far down the chain of culpability are you willing to criminalize things?"
by Hym Iam April 15, 2023
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A phrase use to denote that a person is trying to make others follow rules without having to follow them themselves.
Jane apparently has a rules for thee and not for me type of logic regarding her staff fucking the retards in her group home because she's trying to bully me into following the rules why simultaneously protect Kendra from having to follow them. Kendra complains about me not doing my job but she's fucking the retard and only works if I leave it all my work for the child murderer. Rules for thee and not for me I guess.
by Hym Iam December 3, 2020
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