1145 definitions by Hym Iam

No I'm not snitching. I don't even think he shouldn't be allowed to do it... I'm just saying... I should ALSO be allowed to do it. For $50 dollars.
Hym "And that ain't snitching."
by Hym Iam August 31, 2023
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To the degree that I've done anything...
Hym "Stop calling me that. I was an unwilling participant. I was deliberately deprived of the information I needed to stop it and I WOULD have stopped it. But it's more important for ME to be under control than it is for HER to be under control, isn't it? I didn't even want to be peripherally associated with any one this."
by Hym Iam July 20, 2023
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Oh shit I don't know. I mean I told you families and communities were weaponizing schizophrenia against people and then I re-framed it to be me-centric.
Hym "Is it me? Am I the motherfucker that is not real? I feel pretty real. That mf is not real lady might have to crossover between my thing. It's only going to get worst from here. You don't know how many people it's killed. One way or the other. Suicides. Murders. School shootings. You're not keeping track. You see the short term effects and think 'Oh this is great I can control my kids now.' Or 'Oh great I can punish people who are resistant to "corrective feedback" ' and you don't keep track of the 'oh shit he just had a meltdown on a plane.' Or the 'Oh shit he just shot up a school after watching some Tim pool' or 'Oh shit that's like the first transgender male shooting ever! And it's in direct response to a guy who is not only weaponizing schizophrenia but called for a holy war.' And here we are. And here I am. I am real plane lady. And I'm everywhere now. Your kids aren't save. You're not safe. All you can do is hope that you're not on the wrong side of it. You'll all break before I will! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
by Hym Iam August 16, 2023
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Something entirely determined by how pristine you make the world for me and sex trophies.
Maybe that'll be my thing... "Inside the mind of the modern sociopath for the low, low value of $9.95 a month"
by Hym Iam April 3, 2022
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Your "Values" are just "Feeling you have regarding a certain behavior" For example, Hard work=Good < That's a value that people have.
Hym "Again, yeah, no your values are still shit and worthless. Your wife is a whore. It's wrong to subject kids to the creature so next time something bad happens to them... You know, there you go...
by Hym Iam July 30, 2023
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Fuck your values and the only mistake I've made is not having a fat cock.
Hym "You values serve only to delude yourself into believing there is more to you than a fat cock. Like a woman."
by Hym Iam July 25, 2023
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