13 definitions by Human

That big rock in the shy that was the target of the so-called "Moon Landing"
Why is it that this location and that location look EXACTLY THE SAME!?
by Human July 29, 2003
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That creepy guy at the mall who pops a boner in your lap when you sit down for a picture you'll just throw away in 4 months.
by Human July 29, 2003
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A biased feminist program that expresses female superiority, baby story reruns, and that stereotypical bitch, Oprah.
"Women will rule the world"

Fuck them...
by Human July 29, 2003
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1. A giant sno-cone floating in space.
2. That damn dog I wanna kill.
Here Pluto. Hat this cartoonish looking dog food that looks like cat shit. I swear it's not poisoned with Arsenic!
by Human July 29, 2003
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