
To get absolutely, near-fatally, hilariously fucked up. See: annihilated
I was so obliterated last night, I woke up with a transsexual Thai stripper.
by Devon Knoll October 17, 2003
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being high beyond realization of how fucking high you are.
Person 1: Bro... this is some bomb
Person 2: I know dude, im obliterated
Person 1: Me too
by this nigga right here April 9, 2009
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Complete and utter destruction. To remove all trace of. Second only to annihilation in terms of damage done.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker disovered that Alderann had been obliterated by the Death Star.
by tt February 19, 2003
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to erase completely from your memory
His goal was to obliterate the memories
by skylarskank July 11, 2008
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Person 1: “Dude, my mom is so annoying..”
Person 2: “Obliterate her ass.”
Person 1: “What?”
Person 2: “Kill her..”
by TodoDekuIsGay October 27, 2019
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A state of nonexistance, immediately after a state of existence.
Bro 1: Dood I obliterated that dime’s puss last night.

Bro 2: Is she okay?

Bro 1: No the funeral is tomorrow.
by Oily bastard August 9, 2018
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A cooler way to say "obliterate" which was originated by Sid and definitely not Kim, no matter what she says.
Sid: "I'm gonna obliterize Joe's BBQ today."
Kim: "That's my word! Why are you always copying me!"
Sid: "Forget about it, check out urban dictionary. It says it's my word."
by Sid247 May 14, 2007
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