40 definitions by HugeBreasticle

1) One who snatches.
2) A Mexican.
3) A robot that may or may not have signs of Melanoma.
Episode 1:
Bobby Evans: I'm the snatcher; I stole your pooding!
Davo: And I caughts ya, nigga!

Episode 2:
Davo: Look at this snatcher I apprehended!
Luis: I didn't do nuttin', holmes!
Bobby Evans: Good work, now get me some pooding.

Episode 3:
Davo: Whoa, why'd you shoot that Mexican with Melanoma?
Bobby Evans: He was a snatcher. He decapitated my beloved Luis!
Davo: Good work, now get me some pooding.
by HugeBreasticle March 30, 2005
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A term that refers to an individual or group of individuals that become dramatic easily, typically for the sake of getting attention. Seen mostly in high school students, college couples, and Protestants.
Davo: Whaaa! Everyone keeps coming into my room, my Mexican roommate masturbates hourly, everyone thinks I'm a flagpole sitter, Postal 2 is ripping my soul apart, I spilled my pooding, Pumster keeps leaving dirty messages on my Post-It Notes, I need me some peach ring action, some Catholic keeps giving me the finger in crapel, my girlfriend won't stop pinching me, I have too much school work, summer vacation is too far away, and I'm, pardon me, effin tired! Whaaa!!
Luis: Whoa, don't launch a drama rocket, holmes!
by HugeBreasticle April 1, 2005
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A challenge given to a contestant of the 80's game show Double Dare. This challenge typically requires a physical element.
Luis: Ok soldier, you completed the five finger discount challenge, but, to become an honorary Mexican, you must learn the art of crawling under really sharp fences.
Davo: This is like a Double Dare physical challenge!
Luis: NO IT'S NOT! 17!
by HugeBreasticle March 29, 2005
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When something is undeniably, overtly, and/or disturbingly homosexual in nature or appearance.
This is a picture of Davo, wearing a flamboyantly gay outfit.
by HugeBreasticle March 21, 2005
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A futuristic adventure involving cyberpunk individuals, snatchers, the Internet, and at least one robot with a human personality.
Daniel Buggilstein: eeee i jus tstole ur cred carrd #!!!111
Davo: Oh boy! Now, through some unexplained phenomenon, we can get sucked into our computers and search the dangerous depths of the Internet for the evil Buggilstein and retrieve my purloined credit card! It will be an action-packed cyberpunk adventure of epic proportions!
Luis: Or you could just call and cancel the service.
by HugeBreasticle April 22, 2005
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This comment is used when an onlooker observes two individuals having a conversation. When one of the two talking insults the other, the onlooker is expected to yell "Burn Almighty" to add significance to the derogatory comment. The onlooker that performs the "Burn Almighty" is free to add a point score.
Luis: But I looked it up! "Poesy" is what Titan called his poetry!
Davo: Well, you're a poser, you pussy!
Pumster: Hohoho! BURN ALMIGHTY! Plus 50,000 points, nigga!
by HugeBreasticle March 26, 2005
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A) A resident of Nicaragua.
B) One of Nicaraguan heritage.
C) Luis.
D) A + B.
E) All of the above.
Pumster: Did you get your Academic Specifications Sheet in the mail yet, Agent 2.0?
Luis: We don't have mail in Nicaragua.
Pumster: Oh right, the Castro thing. Hahaha, stupid niccas.
by HugeBreasticle May 8, 2005
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