23 definitions by H4XOR13

Giving a blowjob to someone who isn't circumcised
Person 1: I'm giving my partner a blow job today.

Person 2: Ew...

Person 1: There's nothing wrong with a bit of skinheading
by H4XOR13 June 16, 2023
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Sticking your dick in a sock and masturbating while your partner is wearing it, preferably in a hole made in the sock. When you cum, you sockulate.
Had to sockulate last night, my girl enjoys my juice at her feet.
by H4XOR13 January 12, 2021
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1) Agressively licking a fish to turn your partner on
2) Seafood smothered in cum
Would you like an Erotic Fish, sir?
by H4XOR13 September 25, 2021
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When a woman drinks a lot of vodka and forces herself to throw up in a condom. Afterwards, she will freeze the condom to use as a dildo for later.
Gave my girl a Siberian pipeline last night because she was hammered from all the vodka.
by H4XOR13 February 14, 2020
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1. An out of date Jammie Dodger.
2. A broken dodge charger
3. A pedophile that almost cums in children but never does.
Look at that Dodgey dodger over there!
by H4XOR13 February 1, 2021
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Having a flavoured condom, but no one to use it with.
I broke up with my girlfriend recently, but I still have a flavoured condom. Such a Fruitless Effort...
by H4XOR13 October 28, 2021
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