51 definitions by Guess

Your a fud
"Fuji is a fud"
by Guess June 26, 2004
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skank, whore, slut all in one.
what a skorelut, she was totally eyeing my boyfriend.
by Guess May 21, 2003
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n. that yellow ooze at the end of a dog's dick, often surrounded by gnats
Dude, your dog just licked off his gnat butter.
by Guess January 13, 2005
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n. when you insert your penis...into the vagina...and you get a sensation of teeth on your penis....that is a a snaggle-puss...you know what I'm talking about don't you????
yo mama....probably his mama too...oh and you're girlfriend are snaggle-pusses
by Guess January 11, 2005
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i'm from beekman new york, its about 10 miles from the shithole known as poughkeepsie. i go to a school where all the black kids act ghetto and say "whatup nigga" but live in 700,000 dollar houses. upstate is boring and is where most of the criminal activity in the state goes down. if you ever come to dutchess county stay away from poughkeepsie not because its dangerous
( except in the section 8 project developments, which strangly make up the whole city), because the hookers on main street and washington boulevard suck dick like retarded todlers. just a heads up.
kid from beekman: i'm from beekman, where are you from b'otch.

kid from po-town: i'm from poughkeepsie, word nugga that shyte's mad gangsta....wuuut

kid from beekman: thats it, i'm getting the mafia
by Guess November 5, 2004
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"Dude this mix cd is sweetness"
by Guess September 22, 2003
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