8 definitions by Golan

A gentle way to say that someone is just unintelligent.
-Danny failed his third test this week.
-Well, he's not not the sharpest tool in the shed, you know.
by Golan September 7, 2005
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-Where were you all this time?
-Some PC Plod arrested me for throwing a cigarette in the street.
by Golan February 17, 2005
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A TV network paying an actor not to go elsewhere while they are trying to locate a project to star him.
Kirsty got a wonderful holding deal from NBC.
by Golan March 17, 2005
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To make a car door open backwards from the way it originally did.
Check out this cool hot rod. It has suicided doors.
by Golan March 23, 2005
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-How much does this purse cost?
-I don't know. A G-note of something.
by Golan January 20, 2005
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To perform not as well as expected, to let down.
The team practised a lot before the game, 'cause they didn't want to let the side down.
by Golan May 6, 2005
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Find the golden path between two different options.
You should groom yourself, but not be obssessed about it. You have to strike a happy medium.
by Golan May 30, 2005
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