194 definitions by GlazeHer

What someone really wants to say in response to some annoyance.
He keeps asking me the same question, when I provide the same answer. I don't get it, he should just fuck off!
by GlazeHer July 20, 2017
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A triathlete who successfully penetrates three vaginas in one session.
I am going to bang Tina, Trina and Mina tonight and achieve the ultimate trigashskeet!
by GlazeHer April 26, 2014
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What one feels after a long period of penetration.
Yo girl, we needs to take a break from all this loving; I've got insertion exertion!
by GlazeHer April 11, 2014
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What one feels after a long period of penetration.
Yo girl, we needs to take a break from all this loving; I've got insertion exertion!
by GlazeHer April 2, 2014
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A Grandmother who wears her husband's underwear because she confused them with her own.
My Grandpa thinks someone is stealing his drawers because my Grandma's eyesight is slipping and she's turned his laundry into her very own Granny Manties!
by GlazeHer July 2, 2014
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When someone in college can't afford anything to eat but ramen noodles.
Freshman: "Hey man, you got anything to eat?"
Freshman 2: "Yeah dude, I've got ramen noodles galore..."
Freshman: "Oh man, thought I was the only one on the ramen noodle diet."
Freshman 2: "Tastes great, less spending."
by GlazeHer January 1, 2014
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Adult toys, clothing and other items that are used when making a porn.
There was so much pornaphernalia used in the adult film, "John does Karazona" that we had a fucking yard sale afterward.
by GlazeHer January 1, 2014
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