12 definitions by FrankC

1.A gift that without all 3 of the following, leads to anger and frustrated definitions, (See previous entries.)

1.Something to do
2.Someone to love
3.Something to look forward to

I don't mean a Natural Born Killers kind of life, either, wiseass.

2.A cereal that leaves your mouth with an aftertatse of a wet book.

3. A magazine known for its outstanding photography of the world and its events.

4. A bored game that should be replaced with RichDadPoorDad's Cashflow 101.

5. Is what's waiting within everyone to unfold. Above all the anger and resentments and darkness. Now is all that matters. Let go of the bullshit and practice patience. Speak up.Be good.
Life sucks.
Try Fruit Loops. And watch "Family Guy".
by FrankC March 11, 2004
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A selfish practice, much like abortion, that should be outlawed. Special circumstances should exsist,for exceptions. Getting in the way of "my sex life" isn't one of them.
There's no such thing as a good divorce.
by FrankC March 14, 2004
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One of two things men keep after a divorce.
She got the house and the kids.
I kept my penis and my soul.
by FrankC March 15, 2004
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Do you mean War Protester?
Or people who are against war protesters?
Could be Peace (Antiwar) Protester? A Peace Protester? What the fuck is that?
People against war who protest! OK I got it, now. A bleeding heart that would hand this country over to its enemies, if given the chance.
by FrankC March 15, 2004
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Slang used by some married couples who shop for each other's clothes. The man will dress his wife in an outfit from head to toe to his liking and the woman will do the same. The new clothes are usually found at the foot of the bed by about 7:30 that night. First heard (by me) in California.
For our anniversary, let's do a Barbie and Ken!

Sounds kinky!
by FrankC March 11, 2004
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1. Term used by listeners of hip-hop and rap,meaning "believe that". Often spoken under the influence of marijauna or a 40. Usually followed by the word 'shit'.
You got weed and no papers? No pipe?
Get me uh uh a potato, some tin foil, and a scuba mask. No no. Wait gimme a Coke can, a thimble and a pocketknife.
Damn,go to the sto and get some White Owls, fool. No papers. You bleedat shit?
by FrankC March 11, 2004
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Tweeked version of the great comedian W.C. Fields' exclamation, "Jumpin' Jejosephat" . Used in some of his movies. See 'The Dentist' 'The Bank Dick' and the one with Mae West.
Jumpin' Jahozafrat! Those titties are huge!
by FrankC March 11, 2004
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