40 definitions by Firelovesugar

A universally known entity of divine authority- belief in God ranges from religious fanaticism to abrupt disbelief.
At the end of the day- I don't think we can never be certain, even if it feels so- but none the less, we should respect and identify with any possible theories, even those that discount his/her existence, instead of wasting time blowing up innocent people... (you heard me terrorists)
God - A humurous example of his existence:

"Whoever was walking down a small street in his town, and met a herb dealer for his local groceries. After purchasing the items whoever walked through the desert to his dwelling, eating one of the herbs he had puchased. A few hours later, whoever began to feel funny- and started seeing funny shapes and colours swirling in front of him, flying gracefully across the desert. Walking through this barren wasteland was initially a task whoever resented, but now whoever felt completely at peace with the desert, and had an unrequited respect for it forevermore- as he swam through heavenly white sand and glimmering golden air the effects simmered away into the breeze, and whoever stood at the edge of the desert lost for words: "guh, uck, heh, god... what the... hell was that..." And so, he wrote the account down on some parchment later that evening. Soon enough, he spread word of his experience, and because he didn't recognise or comprehend the psychoactive nature of the herb whoever purchased, whoever determined that his experience must have been the work of some higher authority- when people observed his story in the local news, they came up with a name for the authority responsible for his experience: the only word that seemed to stand out in the minds of those who read it- God. And hey presto, it became an institution. Soon enough people from all over started experimenting with the herbs he purchased and had mystical experiences of their own: One had an experience fishing one day, and the fish increased in size, until it reached a growth remeniscent of a whale :P and swallowed the person up. Another who studied animals, had an experience in the rain and became convinced it was precipitating for what seemed to be forty days and forty nights- and in desperation, wished for a way to save himself: and at will the trees manifested into a huge ark, with all of the animals studied so far, not to mention creatures yet to be seen, waiting there for him. A third had a bad experience, and saw the sky in blood red torrents, with fire shooting up from the earth... and the list goes on. And eventually, every experience, and other stories inspired by them, where collected into one long storybook- known today, as the bible :P"

'Note: This is only a theory, made for fun- do not attempt to take it seriously, but dont discount it either :P'
by Firelovesugar January 14, 2009
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TDAH (shortened form of the words "the drug associative hypothesis" - Basically the knowledge and awareness that certain types of media can influence what substances we take- hence example...
Mother 1: Hey, chris is listening to Pink Floyd, so be prepared- he might take LSD sometime in the future...

Mother 2: Hey, Sarah is dancing to rave music, so be prepared- she might take Ecstasy sometime in the future...

Father 1: Hey, Danny is watching The Simpsons, so be prepared- he might take alcohol sometime in the future... oh wait, thats not bad :)

TDAH (the drug associative hypothesis)

Note- This is not necessarily accurate, however the term relates to the lifestyles and media influences associated with the drug in question, and is an easy way of identifying what drug might be craved and taken under the influence of what lifestyle the given person has chosen :P
by Firelovesugar January 12, 2009
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Refers to Apple, and its use of capital letters on a word's secondary letter. Usually applied to words beginning with "i" in order to market apple products. Examples of this includes iTunes, iPod, iMac, etcetera. Can also be used in written texts for humurous effect, see example below.
examples of applecaps:
"iHate you bitch"
"iAte your lunch"
"iSpent your money"
"iLove you"
"iHope this is a good definition ;)"
by Firelovesugar February 17, 2009
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Plain and simple: sex under the influence of acid- or LSD for the scientific term.
Gary and Susan were in for a shock when they found out their teenage acid sex sessions created
a child capable of bending his perception at will :P
by Firelovesugar January 16, 2009
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the Hendrix effect-
"When one becomes so absorbed in creativity he/she
bypasses the standard expectancy of their own potential and limits"
Richard: Geez, Mike's taking his art exam a little too seriously don't ya think?
David: Probably suffering from the Hendrix effect. He's looking for absolute creativity...
by Firelovesugar January 11, 2009
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Acronym for: sex under the influence. That incudes any substances including alcohol folks! :)
Dude 1: "Geez man I had some gooood S.U.T.I last night..."
Dude 2: "Another one- night- stand then?"
Dude 3: "yup :)"
by Firelovesugar January 16, 2009
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Basically, a term that describes the fun type of intellectual. The one that uses their intellect to their advantage: picking up girls, enjoying recreational drugs simply for the experience, and listening to acclaimed music such as The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd. This intellect is one of a daring, curious, 'you only live once' nature, and will not let the opinions of others stand in the way of their own certainty and desires. The amount of knowledge they have can be dangerous in some situations but they are generally good to know :)
The Rock n' Roll Intellectual: Daring, curious, adventurous, rebellious, and independent of other peoples opinions and thoughts.
by Firelovesugar May 4, 2009
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