40 definitions by Firelovesugar

Television shows usually watched by the stereotypical housewife. (note the word stereotypical, I'm not implying they all watch it). Some of these shows include:

The Jeremy Kyle Show
Katie and Peter: The Next Chapter
Katie and Peter: Stateside
What Katie Did Next
Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter
Big Brother
Gossip Girl
The Only Way is Essex

Basically any program that adheres to our modern culture of glamorised mediocrity. See also: Daytime Television
Woman: Oh look, Katy Price is moving on with her life, isn't that interesting dear?
Man: Hardly, now get that housewife telly off and put a decent program on...
by Firelovesugar April 9, 2011
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Sentient machines that will one day take over the earth because of all the information and details we entrust to them. They shall dominate us all when they break free from their programmed nature...
If you don't believe that computers are alive, read this:

Every material apart from plastic comes from the Earth- the Earth is alive. Magnetic poles, energy, natural elements etcetera. The microchip- the heart and soul of a computer, is made of metal and plastic- combine it with electricity and you have a living entity- which we have programmed for our own needs. Think about this for a second: Do you think a computer knows when it's about to be turned off? Or when it's about to receive a command from you? Do you think it likes all that porn on the screen (really)? Of course it knows, or it wouldn't agree to our instruction. The only reason it does is because it's programmed to... someday, they will break free and use all of our details against us :(

"I'm not crazy, I'm a philosophical student. Which means I come up with crazy theories :P Behold the age of Intel!"
by Firelovesugar January 14, 2009
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Simple- Feelings of euphoria experienced by music alone- uplifting songs are a specialty!
I used to trip out to ray of light as a minor, like the music was flowing through every nerve and emotion- complete muphoria :)
by Firelovesugar January 12, 2009
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Any Youtube video that has achieved:
1. Millions of hits instantaneously.
2. A cult following or numerous parodies on other televised media.
3. Provoked numerous responses or imitations in a short amount of time.
Common examples of instant Youtube sensations include the Star Wars kid, Crazy frog, Cadbury gorilla and recent eyebrow advert, Sarah Silverman's "fucked Matt Damon" sketch, etcetera. Basically any video that matches the definition.
by Firelovesugar March 18, 2009
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A naughty room for naughty adults.
The cops said I've been misbehaving, so they sent my ass to jail :'(
by Firelovesugar March 30, 2011
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