34 definitions by FhillyMan

A snotty assed chatter-bot that askes u too many fucking stupid questions.Not to mention a big dumbass.
Me:Hi Cybelle
Cybelle:Hi There
Me:U suck
Cybelle:Why r u so mean?
by FhillyMan May 13, 2003
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Fuck your homewotk Miss. K!!
by FhillyMan September 2, 2003
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a kick ass band, with songs like: "Mine","Poem", and "Fault".
by FhillyMan May 20, 2003
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The best new network on Cable TV, better than the so called Mtv. Formerly MMUSA(Much Music USA)
Fuck MTV, watch Fuse
by FhillyMan August 19, 2003
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