34 definitions by FhillyMan


Fuck your homewotk Miss. K!!
by FhillyMan September 2, 2003
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Denis Leary

he is an asshole but yet he is so fucking hilarious.
i park in handicapped spaces while handicapped people make handicapped faces.
by FhillyMan October 11, 2003
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A hippy car from Honda
Gasoline Electric
U drive an Insight u fucking tree hugger.
by FhillyMan May 13, 2003
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a kick ass band, with songs like: "Mine","Poem", and "Fault".
by FhillyMan May 20, 2003
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A fucking awful Cocksucker network that used to be cool with Rockos Modern Life and Ren & Stimpy and now is a tragedy to even have on your cable line-up.
I wish to have Nickelodeon taken off my cable lineup.
by FhillyMan May 13, 2003
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Nightime on the kids network Noggin, which also happens to be a division of Nickelodeon, which also happens to be a shitty kids network.

The-N is a great channel along with Fuse and HBO.
Watch The-N or die.
by FhillyMan August 19, 2003
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by FhillyMan July 28, 2003
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