20 definitions by Fat Washington

A word used to describe the evil mutant hybrid baby born after drinking during pregnancy.
Her krang baby attacked me when it came out of the womb.
by Fat Washington November 6, 2003
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"Sir Gerkin! May we attack them with our pubicles, horrid smell, and acid jizz?"

"Yes you may, young private sack. Do these balls proud."
by Fat Washington November 6, 2003
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I think I'm heading to Ming's Whorehouse to get me some of that mean vachina.
by Fat Washington November 5, 2003
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A mutant hybrid; a man bred with a manatee.
A creature with a strong sexual appetite.
The humanatee escaped from the zoo and tried to have sexual relations with me.
by Fat Washington November 5, 2003
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when everyone is yolo but you all agree to parlay (pirate's code) so that you can accomplish something wonderful
My bros were all YOLO but a parlay was needed so we instituted a yolo parlay.
by Fat Washington March 17, 2020
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Man, she has one nasty Hot Pocket; it's ready to shoot puss everywhere.
by Fat Washington November 10, 2003
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