271 definitions by Fasters


What a layperson would call a 19-sided polygon or 19-gon rather than an enneadecagon or enneakaidecagon.
A corona math question for geeks: “Show that the interior angle in a regular covidagon is 161¹/₁₉°.”
by Fasters September 18, 2020
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The disease of the 21st century that causes stress, insomnia, and cancer; or the appearance of being so to remain on the payroll.
Busy Singaporeans are like rush-ians, who’re perpetually at war against time.
by Fasters March 10, 2023
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Trump Monoxide

Toxic or blasphemous talks or rumors about the Trumps and their diehard morally bankrupt donors that residents living in the vicinity of Mar-a-Lago are sick of hearing every other day, which have negatively impacted their property prices or businesses in their once-sunshine state.
Floridian authorities are clueless how to remove all trump monoxide that is lingering over their state following scores of complaints from even angry patriots-neighbors and property agents, who’ve threatened to stage days-long protests outside the FBI-searched resort if the Hoarder in Chief refused to move out.
by Fasters June 22, 2023
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Singapore Mask Educators

Someone who fakes their knowhow of Singapore’s bar model method and stack model method—two problem-solving visualization strategies commonly used by local teachers and tutors—often oblivious that their audience could smell their half-baked knowledge in effectively applying these “draw a model” techniques to solve word problems.
Most school teachers and textbook writers could easily detect those local and foreign Singapore mask educators in academia, who often serve as supervisors for trainee math teachers.
by Fasters December 23, 2021
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Also known as “Fake Math.” Any math courses or programs promoted by some unscrupulous individuals or shady institutions that promise to deliver pie-in-the-sky results to lure the gullibles or suckers, who are excited by form rather than substance.
Although tens of thousands of blue-collar workers and suburban evangelicals have been taken advantage of by MAGA math providers and politicians, millions of white parents and patriots in red states have been bought into the lie that their children are being indoctrinated by “woke math” publishers and multicultural math educators.
by Fasters September 20, 2022
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What’s Pi Thinking?

When the irrational number π is paranoid or petrified that some radical elements of the mathematical brethren might conspire together to promote other mathematical constants like e and 𝛷 in gracing the pages of reputable math journals on a regular basis.
A few notable constants have discreetly approached some Fields medalists (the equivalent of Nobel Prize winners in mathematics) in their dreams by revealing to them some of their sexy numerical and geometric secrets after hearing leaked news of “what’s pi thinking?”
by Fasters August 13, 2022
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The act of acquiring books and journal or periodical articles on the number π but letting them pile up at home without reading them.
How many symbol-minded folks worldwide are guilty of pidoku?
by Fasters December 28, 2022
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