3 definitions by England_isn’t_my_city
When you’re friend ir spouse is asleep (you may have drugged them with sleeping pills) and you suck their dick. Sleep + blowy = slowy. It has to be consensual.
by England_isn’t_my_city September 26, 2018
Tommy Jarvis is an overall gun. No one dislikes him, and he doesn't dislike anyone. You can literally shoot him and he will apologize for getting in front of your bullet. If you can get into a relationship with Tommy, you should be fully committed. He can protect you from anything as he always carries around a shotgun. He always wears a denim jacket with fur.
Guy 1: Who's that hot guy?
Guy 2: Why it's Tommy Jarvis of course!
Guy 3: I heard he shot satan.
Guy 4: Come on guys, don't wake Timothy, how else will we get a slowy?
Guy 2: Why it's Tommy Jarvis of course!
Guy 3: I heard he shot satan.
Guy 4: Come on guys, don't wake Timothy, how else will we get a slowy?
by England_isn’t_my_city November 4, 2018
While he can be a massive dick, he keeps things interesting. He will always say he is doing what is best for his group but he is really looking out for himself. He will spontaneously get angry about people not liking him and he doesn't understand why people don't like him. He will often boast to regain his composure. Sometimes he tries to murder the alpha of the group, this will end with him getting killed.
Essex: Yo, you're such a Gregory.
Tabitha: How about fuck you? I am way better than you or any Gregory.
Alexander: Who are you guys and why are you in my bedroom?
Isiah: Oh shit, he woke up.
Tabitha: How about fuck you? I am way better than you or any Gregory.
Alexander: Who are you guys and why are you in my bedroom?
Isiah: Oh shit, he woke up.
by England_isn’t_my_city December 1, 2018