28 definitions by Eloraborealis

Seeing the world through "rose tinted glasses".

Maintaining a genuine sunny disposition or viewpoint.

Not to be confused with toxic positivity.
On such a beautiful sunny day, it was hard to not be cheersighted. /or/ They were cheersighted by what had happened to them.
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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Her: Can you tuck in the window?
Him: Goodnight outside. Goodnight window. *closes curtains*
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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After she walked him home, she expressed her feelings with a tulip on the cheek. /or/ May I give you a tulip?
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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Any person/place/thing that is bejeweled; covered in gems/glitter/etc.

Derived from encrusted.
Damn! Your new bracelet is crusted. /or/ Sir, your grill is positively crusted! /or/ That Queen is crusted for the Gods.
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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One who carries/does the most.

Typically used to describe someone that carries a team/group to success. Can be someone who does the most work in a group project, is the star of a movie, or literally, brings in all the groceries.
That actor was definitely the pocket in that movie. Without them the movie wouldn't have been as successful. /or/ Sorry you had to pocket the debate, I was so anxious. /or/ If Rita didn't pocket the project we probably wouldn't have gotten that A+.
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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Ineffective or unsuccessful.

Alternatively: wrong and/or cringe; leaving you feeling dirty afterward
That recent ad campaign was dirt soap. We'll have to take another approach next time. /or/ That show is dirt soap, I always feel yuck after watching it. /or/ Sorry, that information is dirt soap, you should do your research. /or/ Ew, that's dirt soap.
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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A cutie. A person/animal/thing that is so devastatingly cute you have to *boop*.
She's a real booper! *boops nose*
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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