29 definitions by Elmer

A theory which states that a man must keep his personal life (i.e. friends) separate from his relationship side (i.e. girlfriend). Should the two worlds come into contact with each other (by means of his girlfriend becoming friends with his friends), both worlds blow up.
"If Relationship George walks through that door, he will kill Independent George! A George divided against itself, cannot stand!" - George Costanza
by Elmer January 22, 2005
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A term used to describe a fight. Synonym: Melee.
"Last night while I was at Subway, I witnessed a rather WEAK brew-ha-ha between two wiggers. Probably fighting over their baby's mama."
by Elmer January 21, 2005
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A phrase used to describe someone that has a bad mood when he or she comes to work or school on Mondays.


A phrase that someone uses if he or she wants to get their ass kicked by their fellow co-workers or school mates.
Jerk #1 - When you come to work on a Monday, has anyone ever told you, "Looks like someone's got the case of the Mondays."?

Jerk #2 - No... No man... Shit, no man... I believe you get your ass kicked for saying something like that.
by Elmer November 25, 2005
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A question asked to another person, which then turns into an insult. The person answering the question must answer with CDs, otherwise the insult will result in failure.
Jerk #1 - "Do you like CDs or Cassette?"

Jerk #2 - "CDs."

Jerk #1 - "Well, then you can see deez (CDs) nuts in your mouth sucka!"
by Elmer April 1, 2005
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A term used to describe a good friend that you have known almost your whole life. The word "brother" is used because the friend is extremely close to you to the point that he is almost like your brother--but from a different mother. And that rhymes. And you know that rhymes. Admit it!
"What's happenin' my brother from another mother?"
by Elmer January 21, 2005
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Data that has been deliberately misrepresented or completely fabricated in order to support and otherwise unsupportable partisan position.
Dan's report on the impact of the housing development on the wetlands was so filled with coulterisms that we were not surprised to discover he was on the developer's payroll.
by Elmer January 5, 2004
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I common retort used against the overly used phrase Don't go there.
Jerk #1 - Hey dude, I slept with your girl last night.

Jerk #2 - (Clearly pissed)

Jerk #1 - Oh that's right. I went there.
by Elmer August 30, 2005
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