6 definitions by Earth Wind and Taint

When two female cousins from West Virginia scrap the ball sweat from a man and swap it orally back and forth.
Shawna and Karen gave Joe the ol West Virginia Two Step the other night. He said thank you by making them a fried bologna sandwich.
by Earth Wind and Taint October 3, 2021
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A golden taint is when pee hits the water and splashes back up onto the taint.
"I could really use some baby powder after my golden taint dries up."
"Bitch, you need to clean up this golden taint before I get down on this muff puff.
by Earth Wind and Taint August 13, 2014
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When your banging your girl from behind while singing God Save The Queen.
Last night I gave my girl the good ol’ Winchester Pump.
by Earth Wind and Taint August 31, 2020
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When a gentlemen strokes his penis before sexual intercourse or before take a picture of it.
Hold on. I’m not ready to put it in. Let me stroke up a bit.

I know women love dick pics so I always stroke up before I send one.
by Earth Wind and Taint November 15, 2020
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When a group of gay dudes have an extreme, nightmare inducing, HIV promising, dicks skinned raw orgy then weaponize the HIV by joining ISIS and blow themselves up in Jihad.
Did you hear about Greg? He died in Iraq. Did they hang him for being gay? No. His dying wish was to get his ass pounded then take his HIV and become an Exploding Unicorn. What a twat.
by Earth Wind and Taint December 1, 2020
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