12 definitions by EVERYONE

royaly fucked

Being screwed over so bad that you cannot begin to comprehend how bad your screwed.
by EVERYONE March 21, 2005
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A sher-lut comes from the old english term, Slut. Those associated with this adjective suck cock day-in day-out, not for the money but for their need to taste as many variaties of man-juice as possible.
Vicki is a sher-lut
Helen is a sher-lut
David is a sher-lut
Young is a sher-lut
by EVERYONE March 9, 2005
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See: Smug

The world would be a better place if he volunteered to have medical experiments performed on him.
Bono is a smug no-talent prick.
by EVERYONE March 26, 2003
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joe shower

A "Shower" which you spray deoderent on your body and say, "I am clean"
"I just took a Joe shower" "Wow u still stink... actually u made it worst"
by EVERYONE March 18, 2005
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the death

a combination of Jason,Michael Myers, Freddy Crougar that forms into the sum of all fears. creation of Meaghan king
"Meaghan King is so death because she killed me, i swear."
"She stole my soul"referring to Meghan king
by EVERYONE July 22, 2003
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God, Buddha, Muhammed, and all other supreme beings, rolled into one.
b0xman owns you.
by EVERYONE May 15, 2003
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