an awesome

Pinnacle of awesomeness, the opposite of an hero.
an awesome! you don't know what an awesome is!? its the opposite of an hero
by nasty nater December 29, 2009
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Awesomely Awesome

The act of being so awesome that you are even more awesome than other awesome people.
by Im a Boss Daddy!!!!! January 25, 2011
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awesome awesome

When awesome just isn't good enough, usually used in a sarcastic manner and told with an air of insincerity
Brittany: Hey are you running this season?

Joe: No it sucks, I have a stress fracture so i can't.

Brittany: Oh that's awesome awesome, you'll get to spend more time with your friends now!

Joe: Actually no Brittany, I have a stress fracture...
by Dildo Faggins April 5, 2008
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Awesomizing the world, making the world Awesome.
by Just be awesome September 27, 2016
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caught a good case of awesome.
Whoah, your good. You must have caught awesomeitis.
by williamAustin February 27, 2008
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Something or someone that is awesome on a cosmic level.
by Raiken April 22, 2010
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it was awesome

this is usually said after someone did something and had a blast Whitewater rafting sex whatever something so good that the just had to say "IT WAS AWESOME"
I just went rafting this was awesome
I had anal sex for the first was awesome
Regina george punched me in the face last was awesome
you get the picture
by January 24, 2008
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