7 definitions by E-Money
The situation in which you go down on a girl during her period, cover your face with her "juices", let them dry, and peel them off, only to eat the hardened product.
by E-Money February 22, 2003
A situation in which a person's asshole is filled with peanut butter and then it is sucked out through a straw.
by E-Money February 22, 2003
a tv channel which used to show a lil good music and occasionally has good cartoons on it. Now its all shit like "real" world and all that. Whoever said we should protest in front of MTV is stupid, they're all fat rich old men who want to make money, so they team up with the radio and make bad bands, which they then put on all their shows and channels in order to brainwash kids into buying their shit.
by E-Money June 19, 2004
A dance where the performer puts his or her arms down their shorts and sticks out their wrists and hands. The performer then swings his or her arms side to side and simoutaneously prances about.
by E-Money March 14, 2005
1.Truthful definition: A guy who actually has ho's lined up wit a price for other guy's to get sexual favors from them.
2.More common use: A slick guy who has alot of girls hangin around him and is known as a mackdaddy.
3. Pussy
2.More common use: A slick guy who has alot of girls hangin around him and is known as a mackdaddy.
3. Pussy
by E-Money July 24, 2004
A cadillac, a pincho, or a damn fine sexy looking car. It often goes well with a pimp, some baby powder, or members of Bufu.
by E-Money June 8, 2003
A stringed instrument that is a great thing to play and have fun with. 99% of all guitarists are musically illiterate. Infact, I play guitar and I can't read music, but I'm much better than any of my friends who can. Guitars are a great way to express yourself, have fun, get a good vibe goin, and impress buddies and chicks. And yes, guitars do pick chicks up.
by E-Money June 25, 2003