141 definitions by Dusty's Baby Powder

A text message sent by Opal Crankshaft to her close friend and grandson, Bryant Hollifield. They started doing this when Opal misread LOL to mean 'Lots of Love'. She uses it on Facebook as well as on her cell. The initials mean 'Love You Lots'. So if your relationship with your sweetie isn't going well, try sending them an LYL!
Opal: Oh great! Another great Facebook message. I wonder who wrote this?

Earl: I did! I sent you an LYL. Its not that difficult. You still look as pretty as the day I first met you!

Sylvia: Dad, you LYL'd Mom? That's sweet! But what is LYL? I've always heard of LOL, but not that one.

Opal: (she takes her cell out) Well, it means Love You Lots. Me and Bryant use it. He loves it. (she kisses Sylvia and texts LYL)

Pearl: Yeah, that's a real love maker there! When you see an LYL, look out! Your heart's gonna burst.

Opal: That's right, Sis, gotta warm up those love muscles. (she kisses Pearl).

Earl: Sweet! LYL is very pretty. (they all take their cell phones and make a toast) Here's to us, LYL! Love You Lots!
by Dusty's Baby Powder February 22, 2012
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A form of tea that is drunk by Beatrice Middleton when she is stressed or tired. It's made of lavender and chamomile flowers, steeped in a pot of hot water. Used to treat stressful situations due to her recent coaching.
Beatrice: Hey you all. Do you want some stress tea? I just made a whole big pot full.

Opal: Sure, I've been really stressed. Ed's been nagging me all day long. Oh, the nerve of that man!

Liv: (crying and screaming) Oh, that Benjamin!! He's gonna get it when I get with done, oh my God!!

Beatrice: Liv, what in the world did he do?

Liv: He's hogging that Benmobile again! He's always on that thing.

Bryant: (with red fire coming out of his eyes, yelling) Shut up! This is just too much. Just drink the stress tea and be done with it!

Beatrice: (laughing at Bryant) Good one! Spoken like a true coach. (hands Bryant a stress tea) Here's to non-stressed grandmas everywhere!

Bryant: Skal! (Norwegian saying for 'cheers')

Liv: Thanks, maybe I should give this to Ben. He'll love it, too.
by Dusty's Baby Powder February 3, 2011
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An exercise program most notably done by Opal Crankshaft. Done in a mirror in order to maintain the 'perky' expression on Opal's face.
Opal: Hey Martha, your face is sagging. You've got to do some perkies!

Martha: What the heck are perkies? I've never heard of that in all my 70 years.

Amos: Ten hut! A little facial PT, huh?

Opal: Yeah, you should try this. You're gonna love it! I do it all the time.

Amos: Might as well. If it's gonna make Martha look good it might make me look good too!
by Dusty's Baby Powder October 15, 2010
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A form of jumping jacks done under a tree, combining yard work and exercise. This was created by Ralph Drabble on September 30, 2011. They are hard to do because the leaves fall with every jump. The leaves are caught, then raked into a pile. As the final part of the exercise one monster jumping jack is taken and the leaves are jumped into and then played with. Leaf Jacks are a great way to get cardio and yard work at the same time. So if you're tired but want to relax, take a tip from Ralph - try Leaf Jacks!
Ralph: Oh no, time for some Leaf Jacks! This yard is gonna get covered in leaves. (he starts doing jumping jacks and counting) One.. Two.. Three.. Four..

Hec: Hey, what are you doing? Is that some sort of weird jumping jack?

Ralph: Yes, its a Leaf Jack. You catch the leaves while you're doing jumping jacks. Try it out!

Hec: (starts doing some Leaf Jacks) Yi.. Er.. San.. Si.. Wow! Nice one! Great for qigong.

Ralph: These are right. Great healing movies. (make a seeahh sound)

Beatrice: I saw that! You two guys better hustle. (she turns into Gunny Granny mode) Move it! MOVE IT! (she starts doing some Leaf Jacks) Wow, these work! A Gunny Granny could learn to love these.

Hec: Yup! Maybe they should be part of Marine Corps PT.

Ralph: Sweet! A Drabble's gotta do what a Drabble's gotta do. (he rakes the leaves up and they all jump into it, playing) Leaf Jacks rule!
by Dusty's Baby Powder October 13, 2011
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A funeral held for dead flowers. Usually in a flowerbed side service honoring the sweetness and beauty of the dead flowers. Usually held after cutting or throwing away the dead flowers. Is also often held in a church. The only known Flower Funeral happened on November 18, 2011 when Ed Crankshaft, his daughter Pam Murdoch, and her husband Jeff were attending the funeral of a close friend. A Flower Funeral is not sad. In fact, it is very calming. So, if you want beautiful flowers for all time, hold a Flower Funeral for the ones you lost. Its a sweet thing to do.
Ed: Oh no, all my flower died. How am I going to remember them?

Pam: Why not have a Flower Funeral for them? We could crush them up and bury them.

Jeff: Sure! Lets go to Camp Swampy. I bet Stainy Stainglass would officiate.

Ed: Sure, a Flower Funeral would be nice because I love my garden! Sweet.

Stainy: Yes, I'll help! (he starts praying over the flowers) Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in memory of these beautiful flowers. May they always live in Heaven in beauty. (he makes the cross sign)

Ed: (bursts out crying) Poor flowers. I don't know what to do.

Stainy: Easy, I know you're stressed. But I got the Mary Mud right here. (he starts massaging Ed with the Mary Mud) Remember how good that felt? Its a nice way to end a Flower Funeral.

Jeff: (jumping up and down crying) I need some of that, too. Can I have some?

Stainy: Sure! This is the most important part of a Flower Funeral. You need flowers to stop stressing over flowers. Remember, flowers have power!

Pam: Sure. Its easy. Just remember its a trial but Flower Funerals make you smile! (she kisses Stainy and he rubs her with the Mary Mud)
by Dusty's Baby Powder November 24, 2011
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A crazy funky dance created by Amos Halftrack. Was first done on April 10, 2011. In order to prepare for this dance, punch or some other liquid must be spilled on the ground so as to make the other person slip in it. Thus creating the image of dancing although it is not. It often ends with the person slamming down onto their bottom with a loud WHOMP sound.
Papa Amos: Hey, wanna dance? There's 'Why Don't We Just Dance' is playing.

Marty: Well, of course. We're gonna have to do the Halftrack Slip here. I'll go get that punch bowl and dump it on the ground. (she takes the punch bowl and pours it on the floor)

Papa Amos: Well, here goes nothing. (He slips and crashes into Sergeant Snorkel who starts laughing at him)

Orville: What is this? This dance looks fun!

Papa Amos: Its the Halftrack Slip. Its the latest craze here at Camp Swampy. Why don't you try it? (he hands Sgt. Snorkel a cup of punch which Sgt. Snorkel pours on the floor)

Stainy: Sweet heavenly angels! This dance is going to slip us all the way back to heaven!

Marty: You're right! We'll be slipping our way through this old swamp until we called up to the Pearly Gates. (she starts rotfl)

Papa Amos: This is more than the Halftrack Slip. Its also the Camp Swampy Stomp!
by Dusty's Baby Powder April 11, 2011
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A creamy, minty drink made by June Drabble around St. Patrick's Day. Its almost the same as a Rocky Ralph but with crushed mint leaves on top. Its one of the most delicious things you could ever drink. So if you want a good Irish drink that will make your sweetie go looney, get yourself a Minty Juney! And remember, June Drabble said so!
June: Hey Beatrice, you want a Minty Juney?

Beatrice: Sure! I've never had one. What is it?

June: Its a great drink I make around St. Patrick's Day. Mint chocolate chip ice cream, Bailey's Irish Cream, and crushed mint leaves. (June makes one)

Beatrice: Wow! This is soo creamy! I'm gonna have to make it for the other guys.

June: Sure, it'll make you think you hung the moon.

Beatrice: Here you go, sweetie. This is to us! The Minty Juney rules! (they clink their glasses) Slainta!
by Dusty's Baby Powder May 23, 2012
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