4 definitions by Dklone1

In a manner most killer.
That painting was killerly done!

Those guys played killerly!

Nice shot. Quite killerly, I must say.
by Dklone1 October 21, 2009
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Short for "abso-smurfly" which is Smurf language for "absolutely".
"If there's one thing you can count on, it's change itself."

by Dklone1 October 21, 2009
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Unpleasant buffoonery.

Slang from Idaho river country
- I spent all yesterday getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.

- Jangis, man.
by Dklone1 August 17, 2009
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To bother in an impish fashion.

If a wasp is fenging you it's not actually about to sting you, but sort of dancing around you and being threatening.
Will someone find this kid's parents? He's been fenging me all afternoon.
by Dklone1 August 17, 2009
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