20 definitions by Definitive Positive

Stir cooking ingredients vigorously with a fork, whisk, or beater to make a smooth or frothy mixture. See also Mix Stir Combine
Next, you must beat the eggs before you put it in the mixture.
by Definitive Positive April 16, 2020
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To prepare food, a dish, or a meal by combining and heating the ingredients in various ways.
Today, we will cook some pasta.
by Definitive Positive April 16, 2020
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To make or prepare by combining various ingredients.
by Definitive Positive April 16, 2020
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A woman whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant.
Your waitress will come by shortly to take your order.
by Definitive Positive April 16, 2020
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To add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to food.
Season the meat so that it tastes better.
by Definitive Positive April 16, 2020
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Any nutritious substance that people and animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
by Definitive Positive April 16, 2020
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