25 definitions by Deej


A person who takes great pleasure in boasting or bragging about themself.
"The professor's tendancy to always bring up his credentials in conversation gave him a reputation as an egotistical blowhard."
by Deej July 19, 2004
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back monkey

Someone who hangs around you incessantly, not able to take a hint and piss off. An annoyingly clingy person.
"Oh my god, that girl is such a back monkey, why doesn't she fuck off?"
by Deej June 10, 2004
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She is suffering from the worst case of hemroids i have ever seen.
by Deej March 23, 2003
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Stands for Bush Derangement Syndrome; a affliction that causes normally calm and collected liberals to become furious and irrational whenever the subject of George W. Bush pops up.

Some of the more famous public displays of BDS include Howard Dean's "scream" speech, as well as Al Gore's screaming, red-faced rant where he accused Bush of betraying America. Online examples of BDS can be found on nearly any message board where politics are discussed.
"He BETRAYED this country! He PLAYED on our FEARS!"

-Al Gore
by Deej October 13, 2004
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dungeons and dragons

The world's most popular pen & paper Role Playing Game (RPG). Created in 1974 by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) combines role-playing with turn-based tactical combat. In a D&D game, one player is the "dungeon master" (DM) and the rest of the players are "player characters" (PCs). The PCs assume the role of adventurers (using fantasy archaetypes such as elves, wizards, halflings, barbarians, etc) while the DM creates challenges for the PCs to overcome (such as monsters and traps).

Over the years, the D&D game has been revised and published in multiple editions. The rights to Dungeons & Dragons are currently owned by Wizards of the Coast (creators of Magic: The Gathering) and Hasbro.
"We played Dungeons & Dragons for three hours. Then I was slain by an elf."

-Homer Simpson
by Deej July 20, 2004
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A hot carl is when you are taking a shit and getting off while your girl gives you head (preferably while on the toilet).
(It is NOT taking a shit on someone's face, whether or not there's plastic wrap!!!)
I insisted on being given a Hot-Carl, but my girlfriend thought it was too disgusting.
by Deej February 18, 2005
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A slightly-curved, single-edged sword carried by the samurai in fuedal Japan. Contrary to popular belief, the katana was not the primary weapon used by samurai, and was mostly used only for dueling or ceremonial purposes. Over the last few decades, movies and anime have exaggerated the sharpness and durability of the weapon to a point where many people now believe katanas to be some kind of indestructable super-sword.
"Following World War II, many American GIs brought home katanas looted from Japanese officers."
by Deej July 16, 2004
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