9 definitions by Dave K

The sport of driving through an apple orchard at approximately 15-25 mph with your car windows open, and grabbing as many apples as you can without getting hit in the face by the branches.

Note: This sport was invented by Ike Vinpa, and he has the certificate to prove it
We almost got hurt last week when we went extreme apple picking
by Dave K January 17, 2004
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any EMT, Firefighter, Rescue worker who enjoys his job simply for the pleasures of:

A - Hearing their own voice on the radio
B - Using the lights and sirens on the ambulance/firetruck
C - Using lights and sirens on their personal vehicle
D - A lifetime subscription to Galls because of the sheer amount of stuff ordered from them
E - Having more stuff on their work belt then Batman
F - Only showing up (whether they were dispatched or not) for 'good' calls (car rollovers, structure fires, High angle rescues)
He is such a frikin' whacker!
by Dave K December 6, 2003
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1. A person who intentionally spends an elaborate amount of time taking drink orders from a table that is tipping extremely well at that time.

2. May or may not be at the loss to other servers.
Adam is a fucking tip whore. He keeps hanging around that guy who is throwin money around.
by Dave K October 16, 2004
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abbreviation for 'Chief' - as in the Chief of a Fire Dept or Police Dept
The Chef handed down some new policies
by Dave K December 6, 2003
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Jews who are very strict in the way they follow judaism

aka. Orthodox jews, ultra-orthodox jews

Origin of word: A south park episode term that was adapted by myself
I went to synagouge today and hung out with my jewsian friends
by Dave K November 3, 2004
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When you are driving on the highway and shift across all the lanes in either direction.

Similar to a jersey slide
Im in the right lane and i want to pass everyone, I think I'll do a california lane change to the left and then a jersey slide to exit
by Dave K July 24, 2004
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Referring to a person with naturally large sex characteristics

a.k.a. naturally large breasts, or a naturally large penis
1. Oh my god! did u see the breasts on that girl?
Yeah, she must've been corn-fed

2. Holy shit, this guy's dick is huge!
Yup, he's corn fed
by Dave K June 26, 2005
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