66 definitions by Dani


80122 is the address of Jesus' home in Comedy Central's South Park.
by Dani May 27, 2004
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Be mother fúcking for real Is used when someone Is not being honest with their self so they need to be fr
Cherry:My boyfriend said he's done cheating on me now
by Dani September 5, 2022
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v. (1970's, US Black) to beat savagely about the head. (abbr. croak)
Jon decided to raok Bob for stealing cupcake, though it simply made him look barbaric.
by Dani October 20, 2004
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Is what police call people who flag them down while they are walking around or driving in their cars.
PERSON: "Yoo-Hoo, officer, I need some help over here!"
COP: "I hate yoo-hoos!"
by Dani February 8, 2006
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You better shup before she hears you
by Dani January 26, 2005
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brown turtle

Dude, bob and chris brown turtled all nite.
by Dani January 15, 2005
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to fall over, stumble, trip constantly
Dani is filled with so much unconess
by Dani September 28, 2003
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