26 definitions by Cosmicstargoat

When it is no longer necessary to suck up to Corporate America in order to earn a living. This means giving up crowded airports, unnecessary meetings, a Sales Manager that is 20 years your junior telling you how badly that you suck, Action Plans, Quotas, more meetings, a business suit, white shirt and tie, ulcers and stomach cramps.

Being genuinely retired means that you began long ago to plan for the future and can now tell everyone except Mother Nature and Father Time to 'kiss ass'
I am retired, so leave me alone.
by Cosmicstargoat June 16, 2004
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Texas holdem poker is the world's greatest and most popular poker game. The game is played with each player getting 2 cards down and then there are 5 community cards, face up on the table, for all to play. After looking at the hold cards there is a round of betting, the flop, which consists of 3 cards face up on the table, another round of betting, the turn, one card face up on the table, and finally the river, which is the last card up. The most popular variation is no limit Texas Holdem.
The best thing about The World Poker Tour and Texas Holdem Poker is Shana Hiatt's tits
by Cosmicstargoat April 23, 2004
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See: tourette syndrome

Tourette Syndrome is an inherited, neurological disorder characterized by repeated and involuntary body movements (tics) and uncontrollable vocal sounds. In a minority of cases, the vocalizations can include socially inappropriate words and phrases -- called coprolalia. These outbursts are neither intentional nor purposeful. Involuntary symptoms can include eye blinking, repeated throat clearing or sniffing, arm thrusting, kicking movements, shoulder shrugging or jumping.

These and other symptoms typically appear before the age of 18 and the condition occurs in all ethnic groups with males affected 3 to 4 times more often than females. Although the symptoms of TS vary from person to person and range from very mild to severe, the majority of cases fall into the mild category. Associated conditions can include attentional problems, impulsiveness and learning disabilities.
tourette's A godDAMN, fuckINg, SERIOUS condition, MAN!!!!!!
by Cosmicstargoat April 28, 2004
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Why? Simply because this is a euphemism for asking for a freebie, a handout or a loan that you never intend to pay. First made famous by the bloated nitwit 'Wimpy', a waddling loser with an eating disorder in Popeye comics, it is a metaphor for the financial irresponsibility that is epidemic in American society today.

You have undoubtedly seen these 'Check Cashing' businesses that have a habit of springing up in the declining parts of town. Well, what these leeches do is give the gullible and irresponsible dregs of our society ADVANCES on their next paycheck, at exorbitant interest rates, skirting the usury laws. Once they get their claws into you, you are doomed. Idiots do this sort of thing in order to support their lotto or cigarette habit.

"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburer today", simply put is spending money before you have it. -or- simply mooching.
The United States Federal Government churns out millions of dollars of military, welfare and other 'hamburgers' that it does not intend to pay for until next Tuesday. In other words, by your grandchildren.
by Cosmicstargoat May 14, 2004
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A shrill, whistling fart, usually stinky and may be slightly wet.
Ed cut a spleecher that smelled like death warmed over.
by Cosmicstargoat February 4, 2004
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When the thingamajig is in the hand -or- the hand is in the thingamajig, but the thingamajig is not in the thingamajig
Timberlake dude's action with Janet Jackson was merely a flirtation, dude.
by Cosmicstargoat February 10, 2004
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The Federal Reserve System. The Chairman of The Fed is Alan Greenspan, the most powerful man in the world. Alan Greenspan HATES The Stock Market and gets great pleasure from making ambiguous statements during Senate hearings that throw The Market into a tizzy.

The Fed is responsible for regulating the monetary policy and interest rates for The United States.

When Alan Greenspan twitches his nose the wrong way, Wall Street contorts, sometimes violently, plunging at 64 feet per second.
My 401K is now a 201K, Thanks, Al!
by Cosmicstargoat June 16, 2004
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