14 definitions by Colonel Turdburglar

"As I turned my Meat Bat toward Polaris,
A Ray of Light shone down on It from the Heavens,
As if the Gods themselves were in awe of It's large, bulbous nature.
It was still glistening from her Juices,
And pulsating in anticipation of the next Encounter.
And I thought to myself,
All is Good, all is Good."
(Translated from an ancient Aramaic text, thought to have been written circa 600 B.C.)
by Colonel Turdburglar September 12, 2005
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A medical term, from the Latin meaning "massive, uncontrolled hair growth, usually limited to the Nether regions and gooch area, but sometimes found to extend up to the lower or mid-abdomen."
Her Pubis Maximus was as dense and moist as a South Vietnamese jungle; nevertheless, I went down on her like a champ and gave her a furious tongue lashing. Sacre Bleu!
by Colonel Turdburglar September 12, 2005
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Anal discharge, also see ass juice. Sometimes caused by buttfungus.
"I'm not gay or anything, but I find that the musky scent of a fat man's buttsauce makes me get a full-on chubby."
by Colonel Turdburglar July 22, 2005
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The remnants of a horrible anal eruption, usually found on the back of the afflicted one's underwear.
"I found some corn lodged deep in the fudge smudge that was left after I farted. Very queer I say, very queer indeed."
by Colonel Turdburglar August 25, 2005
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The highly acidic discharge that is ejected in the act of vomiting.
"I almost dropped a vom bomb the first time I ever smelled a woman's fart."
by Colonel Turdburglar July 22, 2005
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A woman's cooter, punani, or twat.
"I poked her funhole until she came so hard she crapped herself."
by Colonel Turdburglar July 22, 2005
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A woman who is constantly scratching her dirty stinkhole due to a case of chronic persistent chlamydia. Unclean women who are promiscuous are generally at a high risk, including prostitutes, tunabitches, Paris Hilton, and other pickle ticklers.
"Damn dude, I can smell that clam digger's musky emanation, and I think I'm gonna drop a vom bomb. Damn!"
by Colonel Turdburglar July 22, 2005
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