5 definitions by Cliet

A monotonous phrase that the infamous NekoD says in real life.
Cliet: I AA'd 5.1.1. on Another 7!!!!111oneoneone

Decon: God, thats gay
by Cliet March 9, 2005
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Also, a raccoon is the only animal with a bone in it's boner.
by Cliet May 10, 2006
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Rune Scape Realm, I commonly known help-site for Runescape
I couldn't figure out that quest, so I went to www.runescaperealm.com
by Cliet March 13, 2005
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Homozygous: having two of the same alleles for the specific gene, opposite of heterozygous...

Quite possibly the coolest word on the planet
That Hamster is Homozygous Dominant
by Cliet May 13, 2005
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In my book. Similair to IMO and IMHO.
Startled and Surprised are two different feelings imb.
by Cliet July 18, 2006
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