5 definitions by Chani K.

The act of asking for a water cup at a fast food restaurant and filling it with soda or iced tea instead of water. So named for the Boston Tea Party
When we go to Burger King, we always ask for water cups but what we really put in them is "Boston Water".
by Chani K. September 2, 2006
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A Female Fat Admirer, or a girl with a preference towards big guys or {BHM}s. And yes, they do exist, and no, a FFA is not the same as a {feeder}. Contrary to popular belief, Fat Admiration is not a fetish, it's no different to a preference for long hair or tall men.
I am an FFA, I like big guys, deal with it.
by Chani K. September 14, 2006
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The lead singer from Hatebreed and also the host of MTV2's "Headbangers Ball".

Has been known to be a huge sell-out and is also a nepotist when it comes to bands he plays on the show, and by in large plays his friends' videos, the same thing Rob Zombie was supposedly ousted from the host job on HBB for doing the year before Jasta got his job

He is often seen wearing shirts of bands he claimed to dislike only a week or two before, and saying they are his favorite band. Some say it is because they pay him handsomely. Others say he is just a geek who tries to hard to be one of the "cool kids", so to speak.

Whatever the reason, it can be said that Jamey Jasta is MTV2's Monkey Boy and and that unless he gets a clue, he will end up another Riki Rachtman, with no career and only being remembered as being a humongous ass-kisser that liked crappy bands
"Tonight, on "The Ball", we have our good friends Korn, who will be on for the 9000th time. We will be talking abour Corn Flakes, enemas and the birth of Jonathan's chihuahua! Everything but the music!"- Jamey Jasta
by Chani K. July 25, 2006
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A "Jasta" is someone who sells out or changes their whole persona for acceptance and/or profit. So named for Hatebreed singer/Headbangers Ball Monkey Boy Jamey Jasta, who one miunte hates a band but the minute they gain any success he is all up their arse, looking for his piece of the pie and Is often seen wearing shirts of bands he bashed a week ago.
Lindsey" "Jenn was caught in bed with my boyfriend last week and I hate her for it, but since she is my best friend I guess I'll forgive her and that $50 skirt she gave me was pretty nice and the roses he gave me were so pretty, so..."

Jane. "Stop being such a Jasta and kick 'em to the curb, L."
by Chani K. July 23, 2006
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Something 1 out of maybe 100 people has, effectively causing them to be hugely obese. Most obese people who say they have one do not and are making excuses for themselves.
"Nobody will date me because I'm fat!!!", Jeanie wailed as she shoved yet another Ho-Ho in her mouth.

"Did you ever try a diet?",Paula asked.

"No, you don't understand. I have a glandular disorder, now pass the deep fried Twinkies!", Jeanie yelled.
by Chani K. July 5, 2006
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