6 definitions by Cedric

raging hard on. When the penis is erected very hard and stiffly
"lets fuck i have a raging speedhorn"
by Cedric May 23, 2003
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I am going to the club to pick up some snow
by Cedric February 1, 2005
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Xenimus is a fairly new drug, introduced and used on the internet. Although relatively cheap, this drug is very addicting, and can cause unsafe ammounts of lazyness, ignorance, and give the user a short temper. Blindness and brain damage may also occur.
"Kampf's addiction to Xenimus is far to strong to help him now"
by Cedric January 23, 2005
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A man consisting of 2 parts: 50% insanity, 50% Ganja. Also the self-proclaimed 'greatest man alive' and is responsible for several counts of internet deviance, he is also in love with Warlain
by Cedric September 23, 2003
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An ancient expression used principally by Mr. Burns on the Simpsons. The greeting originated as a mix between "Hello" and "Yoo-hoo!" in the monasteries of Scandanavia, when the Catholic priests would see a young boy outside the walls.
Monk 1: Look at that Svendelgaal!
Monk 2: Why I'll be Svendened! A ripe young lad outside the walls! Ahoy-hoy!
by Cedric July 12, 2004
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