29 definitions by Capuchin for Hire

A female who has either suffered a detrimental leg injury on one leg that impedes her mobility either from scar tissue or because he is missing one leg. The probability of there being a one-legged greg are exponentially higher in the modern day society. The male counterpart is known as one-legged Greg
Meg:" Fuck! My hamstring locked up, oh dear Sally , please help me!"
Sally:"On it, one-legged Meg!"
by Capuchin for Hire March 9, 2023
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When you make a grammatical error because you were subconsciously hungry when trying to perform said literary task.
Person: Dam I forgot how to spell hangry, must be my welingo kicking in.
by Capuchin for Hire January 20, 2022
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A third party who takes no sides who becomes victim to the onslaught of both waring factions.
Clive: Yo I owe this nigga weed and gotta pay a traffic violation after finishing a double at work! I'm bouta snap!
Troy: You just a factionless victim bro, never let an estranged nigga in your car without know what he is carrying and don't be speeding in the rain after work.
by Capuchin for Hire October 2, 2023
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A cheap cellphone with a pixalated image.
Person 1: "dam rodger keeps sending crappy videos, i cant make out shit."
Person 2: " Yea, he keeps sending those videos from his ionized potato, it's a nokia brick.
by Capuchin for Hire March 19, 2022
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A photoshop of a picture so well done you'd think the creator took hours, maybe even days making it for the sole purpose of appraisal.
Guy 1: "Man that billboard looks hella fleek; I want me a new Z phone."
Guy 2: It's sweatshopped, the Z phone runs like a pixalated dinosaur. at best."
by Capuchin for Hire December 21, 2021
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When the intial do teller gets told what to do.
Josh: "Go wash the dishes Mike."
Mike:"Go take out the trash Josh."
Carl: "Dam that's some Second-Hand Monkey-Hand."
by Capuchin for Hire April 24, 2022
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When the start of your work week is so slow and devoid of objectives that you can't find anything to escape the existential dread at work
Kenny:"Yo there's no orders and the warehouse is all fixed up, what is there to do?
Rick:" Milk the clock i guess, just another mundane monday."
by Capuchin for Hire June 10, 2023
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