1. an expresion of suprise.
2. a response to a past suprising situation/coment/action/happening.
3. a conversation scapegoat.
4. a sarcastic reponse.
5. see oh my
6. see jonathan costa
7. an old person term.
2. a response to a past suprising situation/coment/action/happening.
3. a conversation scapegoat.
4. a sarcastic reponse.
5. see oh my
6. see jonathan costa
7. an old person term.
Oh dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by ham_sandwich August 13, 2003
by becky lynn 21 August 6, 2018
a more formal and less rude way of saying "buggar" or "bollocks" or even "mother fucker" i could go on all day in fact...shit,fuck,arse,cunt,dick sucking rat wipe...il stop now
oh dear
oh dear
Freddy: Fuck theres a penis worm crawling out of my arsehole
Shelly: That can't be right they only come out your penis
Freddy: Oh Dear
Shelly: Dear Oh Dear
Freddy: Dear Oh Fucking Dear Oh Dear
Shelly: That can't be right they only come out your penis
Freddy: Oh Dear
Shelly: Dear Oh Dear
Freddy: Dear Oh Fucking Dear Oh Dear
by josh February 18, 2005
sarcastic response when something trivial has happened, which is taken very badly and seriously by someone
perp1: I'm devastated! Pentominoes have just stopped making may favourite pizza.
perp2: oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
joe1: I've just spilled oil on my favourite jeans and ruined them!. I'll never get another pair like that
joe2: oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
perp2: oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
joe1: I've just spilled oil on my favourite jeans and ruined them!. I'll never get another pair like that
joe2: oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
by noddy330 June 21, 2009
the best reply when you hear something bad happening to your loved one's loved one, meaning "I can feel your pain".
Best Friend A: My dog died yesterday...
Best Friend B: Oh dear...
Best Friend A: My mum just had an accident.
Best Friend B: Oh dear...what happened?
Best Friend B: Oh dear...
Best Friend A: My mum just had an accident.
Best Friend B: Oh dear...what happened?
by Fat Rabbit July 7, 2005
*building explodes*
Amy- Oh Dear
Amy- Oh Dear
by BlurryWolf909 July 6, 2017
by Yaziyo April 24, 2006