31 definitions by CaptD
The anniversary of recovering from an organ transplant and starting a new life thanks to the generosity of the Donor and or their family.
Two years post Transplant, the Transplantee held a T Day party on that date to thank all those that helped save his life and recover.
by CaptD May 16, 2021
Regulators that are actually Industry CHEERLEADERS of. those they publicity are supposed to MONITOR or REGULATE.
Also written $HAMULATE
Also written $HAMULATE
To WHO is like the AEC; they both are shamulate the Public, because they are "in bed" with those they publicity MONITOR/REGULATE.
by CaptD March 13, 2024
PESD = Post Election Stress Disorder
Most of America is now suffering from PESD because of what happened in the last election. Voters from all Parties are now questioning the 2016 results because of bots, trolls and foreign State players.
by CaptD April 2, 2017
The NRC insiders were found guilty of Nuclear Bullying because they placed the Nuclear Industry ahead of National Safety.
by CaptD May 21, 2012
The Utility was found to be guilty of Nuclear Greed by the Courts after it was determined that the Utility endangered local residents by its business practices.
by CaptD July 25, 2011
The specific flowchart that was copywritable by the Health Company was a Leap forward in understanding test results; so others began using it immediately.
by CaptD May 25, 2021
AFAIK, you all have summed up everything we have either talked about or discovered together on the subject at hand.
by CaptD November 5, 2010