26 definitions by Buttered Quayle

To quickly leave, as if in a major rush.
Hey man, I gotta yeet. My mom just texted me and said my brother's in the ER.
by Buttered Quayle April 9, 2019
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1. Perhaps the most vile, horrific word for a woman's vagina.
2. An overused joke in Michael Rosen YouTube Poops.
3. To grab or take something quickly.
1: Man, her snatch was so tight, it took me 10 minutes just to get my dick inside it!
2: Watch YTP: The Michael Rosen Rapid Snatch Expansion by ChickenPika. Holy shit, it's so damn funny.
3: I snatched it from the shelf before anyone else could get it.
by Buttered Quayle January 3, 2019
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A British texting abbreviation. Unlike the USA who uses LMAO (laughing my ass off), the British use PMSL, which means "Pissed Myself Laughing."
Darnell: Everyone knows 6 is afraid of 7 because 7 ate 9. But why DID 7 eat 9?
Chris: I don't know.
Darnell: Because 9 has to have 3 squared meals a day! Hehe... math jokes.
by Buttered Quayle October 17, 2018
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Used to describe a situation where an electronic device, electrical component, or other functional piece of equipment is purchased secondhand (or in semi rare cases, purchased new) online or in person, only for the consumer to discover that said item was broken or rendered non-functional.
"I bought two of these SSDs, because the first one was DOA. In case you don't know, DOA means dead on arrival, and that's not nice."
by Buttered Quayle February 15, 2023
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A term coined by Peg McMinty, referring to automatic (or manual) transmission fluid.
"Alright, we got engine oil on this- oh, this is tranny. Bruce Jenner oil on this side."
by Buttered Quayle November 22, 2021
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Another term for having sex. This can also connect in a sexual way to orgasms, erotica, and more.
Austin: Dude, I need to bleach my eyes!
Chris: Why is that?
Austin: This afternoon, I opened my parents' bedroom door and saw them going at it on their bed!
Chris: *no words*
by Buttered Quayle October 22, 2018
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Linear Comedy is telling funny stories that aren't constantly interrupted or sidetracked with random irrelevant jokes.
I think that Linear Comedy is a really food method of storytelling.
by Buttered Quayle October 12, 2020
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