7 definitions by Broken Lizzard


Exclamation of repetition:etcetera ect, crc
The list included the usual: cabbage, rabbits, socks, crapcetera-crapcetera
by Broken Lizzard May 4, 2006
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This Tanzanian beer's pipi-cola!
by Broken Lizzard May 4, 2006
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Adjective for soul or something that is deeply moving or profound.
He used to be in comedy, but he suprized his fellowship with a soulic piece on Eskimo love affairs.
by Broken Lizzard June 7, 2006
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Abbr: sexually transmitted degree: An academic achievement gained through sexual favours
by Broken Lizzard May 4, 2006
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Noun: Exclamation of political disagreement with someone.
This phone-tapping biznez's bushit!
by Broken Lizzard May 4, 2006
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A female orgasm, or excitinf forplay.
He's forplay was bad: breastfeedingly annoying, then he wonders why I never get hapenis.
by Broken Lizzard May 4, 2006
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to have appeal, to be in vouge, worthy of adoration
I hate puppets and animation, but the Gorrilaz rock!
by Broken Lizzard May 4, 2006
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