16 definitions by Bridget


This is an extention of Colorguard. Members wear massive amount of Makeup and Interesting Costumes to portray emotion and perform prerecorded music. This is one of the hardest things you can do.
We Dance better than the Dance Team (DUH) and Spin gracefully or Fastley a Flag, Rifle, Sabre.
by Bridget October 4, 2004
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Camel Toe

When they are smiling from top and bottom!!
Camel Toes can even talk your way out of a ticket!!
by Bridget September 18, 2003
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Jersey Girl

born and raised in New Jersey, specifically the shore. beautiful in a unique way, has the ability to impress with salty hair and sand under her fingernails, makeup and shoes are optional, tanlines are embraced, has a strong attitude and a tough mouth, encompases the phenomena of waking up more stunning than the night before
"Nothing matters in this whole wide world when you're in love with a Jersey Girl." -The Boss
by Bridget March 17, 2005
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copped out

quit, leavein the game. From 50 cent Feat. Eminem in Patiantly waiting
I copped out does that make me a quitta?
by Bridget September 16, 2003
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An adorable goober that runs from lipstick
Aaaawwwwwww Pooka is such an adorable goober!!!
by Bridget February 17, 2003
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Incredible Hulk

Lets get some Hypnotic and Hennessy and make a Incredible Hulk
by Bridget February 3, 2005
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it means when you get ready to have sexual relations with a woman or man
by Bridget February 3, 2005
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