232 definitions by Brad

What a flower does while opening in spring
Damn son that flower you picked for your mom just kabloomed in your face!!!
by Brad March 7, 2005
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Wager of the eternal war on humanoid machines made of tin. Or Magically created tinmen. Either way.
by Brad December 10, 2003
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v. 1) The act of becoming extremely baked before, during, and after classes.
Usually, this occurs as a result of several bong hits and is noticable by long periods of staring into space. Long term, it can lead to a characteristic goofy laugh.
After getting all dennyed up on friday night, he needed some steak tacos.

After a wake and bake, he was dennyed up class.

After getting dennyed up earlier in the day, he needed some more after a long day in lab.
by Brad April 19, 2004
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The proper response to the officer who asks you "Sir, how many drinks have you had tonight?"
And I was so drunk I told the cop "A couple few"
by Brad May 15, 2004
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Endo: Dude, Becca fucked another guy today!
Brad: JFC!
by Brad April 23, 2003
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n. One who greatly admires and enjoys maps.
Only a cartophile would spend seven hours browsing and admiring maps.
by Brad November 5, 2004
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A person who really enjoys the company of men(both in a sexual and non-sexual way).
dude.... your a rickydork..... you ass...
by Brad January 10, 2004
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