6 definitions by BigMancini

The simpiest simp in all of SimpVille. The face of SimpNation, this man will steal your girl but never actually fuck her.
Adriano: “I bought a girl lunch today, she even hugged me!”
Armando: “You sound like a Michael right now”
by BigMancini February 20, 2020
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A short ass loser who claims to have a big penis, but actually has a half inch.
Girl #1: "I had sex with a guy with a really small penis, it took me nearly 30 minutes just to find it"
Girl #2: "Was it Dario?"
by BigMancini November 18, 2017
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The action of leeching off the smart kids, carried through all of high school.
Student 1: "Hey can I get your physics notes?"
Student 2: "Stop being such a Cody!"
by BigMancini February 20, 2020
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Armando: I caught a guy simping today
Matthew: Was it Adriano?
Ryan: Duh.
by BigMancini February 20, 2020
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A horrible,rude and ungrateful person who is over weight. he can sometimes be nice but is usually an asshole. he gets all the girls because of his beautiful African accent.
Roger: "Yimaj made fun of me today"
Candice: " He is so hot, i just want to kiss him"
Roger: How can you like him, you slut?"
Candice: " He probably has a ten inch"
by BigMancini October 17, 2017
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"I'm a feminist and I'm proud!"
"Yeah but you're also retarded..."
by BigMancini September 26, 2018
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