
When someone just doesn't care about all the good things you've done for them.
Namely, the French.

And don't forget the Canadians. They're half-french.
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 29, 2005
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Jackson: ungrateful isn't a word
Me: Yes it is you retard
by Big Chungs August 27, 2020
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A fake ass sap ass dependent on one nigga ass weave ass hospital bathroom smelling ass hibernating teeth ass i spit when i say s words ass girl named tasadia
She is a sap ass ungrateful motherfucka
by 👍👍👍nigga November 12, 2019
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the very definiton of human nature, is also the wolrdwide rule in inernational relationship.
ungratefulness to one's parents
ungratefulness to one's children
Europe ungrateful to Africa and United States
United States ungrateful to the whole world
the list goes on and on...
by Alrune December 29, 2005
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Not expressing gratitude; a dissatisfied person
Unrewarding or unpleasant; thankless
Sarah: Hey Kate can you come wipe up for me?
Kate: Sure thing.
Kate: LOL jk I'm an ungrateful bitch
by KateIsAnUngratefulBitch November 25, 2010
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A group of Taylor Swift fans (known as Swifties) who spend their time on social media complaining about Taylors use of 'easter eggs', which she has used throughout her whole career.
"Emily is ungrateful for the amount of time Taylor takes to make sure her fans get the most out of each era"
by Boo² the fool May 15, 2019
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A person or people who don't show any gratitude or appreciation for something you have done for them. Some people tend to show ungratefuless by throwing everything you do for them straight back in your face.
Chris Brown been working his ass of for me and the rest of his fans.. but he ain't completed his community service because he been busting his ass to make music for us and he had to serve some jail time so therefore his tour has been postponed.. WHAT A DICK.. I HATE HIM HE HAS RUINED MY LIFE. I AM SO "UNGRATEFUL"!
by highonbreezy January 27, 2015
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